Friday, January 20, 2012


Brian Miller said...

an intersting character sketch...looked through a few of your posts...really cool L

Margie said...

I's good Lorraine.

I'll visit here as much as I can.
Very busy lately with getting ready for the grandbaby, she's due Jan 26th and I'm ready to go when I get the call.

Margie x

Gillena Cox said...

wow; there are already so many here; will keep visiting

much love...

Anthony Duce said...

The shading and expression are good. The sketch has a nice gritty feel to it.

Lorraine said...

Thanks so much Brian, in a way it's all thanks to you :)

oh angel don't worry visiting, I've basically stopped

Thanks a lot Gillena sorry I'm not visiting, I'm, I don't know what I am ;)

Thanks very much Anthony, I love seeing you here and the tips you give me :)